It’s Friday and Gabe Aul has unleashed another new build of Windows 10 to people in the Windows Insider Program’s fast ring. Unlike the last build which was mostly just some cosmetic changes, build 10547 looks to fix a few of the complaints that I had with Windows 10 in our review.

One thing that bothered me was that the Start Menu would not allow you to create groups more than three “medium” tiles wide, and with this update, users can select “Show more tiles” in the personalization settings which allows a fourth column of tiles. It’s nice for the desktop, but this should be very beneficial to tablet mode which I felt was wasting a lot of space with just the three column width. Having four columns also allows for two wide or large tiles to be on the same row, which is a much better solution than having to plug holes with smaller tiles even if you don’t really want them. Hopefully the wording changes on the setting, since Show more tiles is not really what the setting is doing, and it is of course a fall back to the Windows 8.1 setting with the same name which actually did allow you to put more tiles on the Start Screen.

Tablet mode also gets some tweaks. I felt that Windows 10 actually lost a step compared to Windows 8.1 in just touch usage. Microsoft appears to be trying to bring back some of the good tablet features that Windows 8 had. A small change which should actually be a nice change is that when you have two apps snapped in tablet mode, you can now snap another app over one of those, just like in Windows 8.1. Microsoft has a graphic that shows the app teeter from side to side to show you which side it is going to replace. It’s a small change, but welcome. Windows 8.1 was pretty solid as a tablet operating system so it’s great to see Windows 10 adding some of those features back.

The core apps are also being updated constantly, and we’ve seen some good changes to things like Mail getting an option to disable conversation view, and the photos app keeps getting iterated to make it a better experience. It has been updated again to make it more obvious which photos are on your PC and which are in the cloud. Other core apps like Xbox app are getting updated, and the Xbox app is gaining a Beta program too much like the Xbox itself has.

The Start Menu has gotten some fixes, and with this build the 512 app limit in the Start Menu has been increased to 2048 apps. While there should not really be a limit here, 2048 should be enough for pretty much anyone as far as installed apps.

Cortana, which before required a Microsoft Account, is now usable with a local account. I’ll have to test to see exactly what this means. In the original version of Windows 10, enabling Cortana with a local account would force the system to switch the account login to a Microsoft Account. It’s not clear from the release notes if you can just log in to Cortana with a Microsoft Account now instead of switching the login, or if it is actually usable with just a local account.

There are, as usual, a few known issues as well including Store Apps may not update automatically, so please check out the known issues before installing in case one of them will directly affect you.

Source: Windows Blog

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  • haukionkannel - Saturday, September 19, 2015 - link

    Well, even more needed feature would be direct sound back to windows... The MS has put more effort to gaming, so maybe there is a way of getting MS to think about it...
  • 29a - Sunday, September 20, 2015 - link

    You should use the feedback mechanism built into Windows 10 to suggest they fix that rather than bitching about it on some website. I've found they take feedback pretty seriously.
  • schizoide - Saturday, September 19, 2015 - link

    Happy to see Cortana can be used with a local account-- that is actually more than I hoped they would do.

    I hoped they would allow us to use Cortana without forcing us to change our windows login to a Microsoft account, much like how the Windows Store works. But changing it to be completely divorced from a Microsoft account is even better.
  • Dahak - Monday, September 21, 2015 - link

    Think it was on neowin or arstechinca, cant remember, but you still do need a MS account for cortana to work, you just dont need the MS account to be your windows login account.

    So you log in with local account on the computer, if you load up cortana, then you would have to log in with the MS account to use it, similar to the windows store
  • Dahak - Monday, September 21, 2015 - link

    crap.. no edit button...

    Which to be fair, should have how it been since the beginning. If you log in with a local account anything that need a MS account should have the option of logging into that with the MS account separately
  • colonelclaw - Monday, September 21, 2015 - link

    As well as 'Show more tiles', I'd like to see a 'Show no tiles, just text lists' option. I'm not holding my breath
  • JonnyDough - Tuesday, September 22, 2015 - link

    Nothing about privacy settings? I'll keep on passing on Windows 9 then. Thanks.
  • Michael Bay - Tuesday, September 22, 2015 - link

    Enjoy the same muh privacy bullshit on any other OS then, it`s oh so much better.
  • JonnyDough - Tuesday, September 22, 2015 - link

    I have more user choice and not "share everything with Microsoft by default" with Windows 7. Obviously you didn't look at Windows 10 settings. I did. I was appalled, and I uninstalled it.
  • Michael Bay - Saturday, September 26, 2015 - link

    Again, for feebleminded: enjoy the same muh privacy bullshit on any other OS.

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