9.      Wireframe Mouse Zooms (180)

While it can be argued that wireframe redraws ( test #1) are mainly a CPU dependant task, wireframe mouse zooms are most certainly dependent on graphics.  In this test, the part is displayed in a 3D isometric view and zoomed in and out 360 times. This test is included within the Graphics subtotals

10.  Patterned X-Section Creation

This test causes a cross section of the part to be created and then patterned.  This test is included within the CPU subtotals

11.  Family Table Verify

This test causes the part to regenerate each of it’s ten family table instances.  Each instance of the generic test part varies in it’s overall depth so that ten variations of the test part are created and placed within memory. This test is included within the CPU subtotals

12.  Assembly Creation 

This test causes an assembly to be created by assembling the part to the assembly coordinate system several times. This test is included within the CPU subtotals.

13.  Explode Translations (15)

This test causes the assembly to be exploded as it moves the assembly components about the screen 15 times. It is included within the Graphics subtotals.

14.  Screen Updates (20)

This test repaints the screen 20 times and is included within the Graphics subtotals.

15.  Model Tree Expansions (50) 

This test causes the model tree to expand to show all of the features of each assembly component.  Then the model tree reverts back to it’s normal state.  This test is performed 50 times and is included within the GUI subtotals.

16.  Automatic Regenerations (20)

This test regenerates the assembly 20 times and is included within the CPU subtotals.

17.  Perspective Views (20)

This test creates a perspective view 20 times and is included within the CPU subtotals.

Screen shot of the benchmark in action

OCUS R20 Test Descriptions The Test
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  • dac7nco - Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - link

    My phone is faster than a DEC Alpha; greetings from the future!

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