Capture Latency

Along with its own rear facing camera sensor, the GS5 adapts a dual-mode autofocus system. Traditional AF designs in smartphones rely on testing contrast differences in order to determine when a point is in focus. With GS5, Samsung introduces a second mode: phase detection auto focus. Instead of relying (primarily) on contrast to determine focus, PDAF splits incoming light and compares intensity patterns to determine focus direction.

Low light scenes and scenes that can't generate appropriate phase info will default to contrast AF. PDAF appears to work across the camera's FOV although I did notice that the fastest AF times almost always happened in the center of the display.

Samsung claims a 300ms AF time thanks to its phase detection AF. In order to validate that claim I pointed a camera at a bunch of phones and measured AE/AF latency while preparing our ISO 12233 target shots from the previous page. 

I measured from the moment I tapped the focus target to the time the image stopped moving (I didn't rely on the AF lock indicator as some devices report focus lock prematurely). There's a bit more variance than I'd normally like in these numbers due to the nature of the capture, although I'm working on getting a higher speed camera to smooth some of that out.

Camera AE/AF Latency (Shooting ISO 12233 Target)

The GS5 definitely runs its AE/AF routine quickly, basically tying the M8 at the top of the charts here. The improvement over the GS4 is substantial, and there's even a big advantage over Apple's iPhone 5s. Note that if you move to lower light conditions you can see this number at least double, but that's something that impacts all of the devices here.

The Z1s is pretty frustrating because it has a great imaging system but an absolutely terrible camera UI. Focus speed is pretty bad compared to anything else here, basically on par with the iPhone 5/5c. 

The shortest time to focus I was able to record on the GS5 was 450ms in a different test scene, compared to 516ms for the M8. The GS5 can definitely be a hair faster but I found the M8 to be comparable if not slightly quicker overall.

Focusing is just one piece of the puzzle, I also measured capture latency as well. Here I'm looking at the time between when I tapped the capture button on the screen and when the camera UI was ready to take another shot. 

Camera Shot Latency (Shooting ISO12233 Target)

The GS5 remains solid, but here Apple actually pulls ahead. The 5c (and 5 by extension) are actually at the top of the charts here. Apple does some more work upon capture on the 5s, which is the only reason I can think of for the discrepancy here. Either that or the NAND on my 5s is in a dirtier state, impacting capture performance. 

Either way there's a huge improvement in capture speed compared to the GS4. Capture latency is one area where the Nexus 5 is absolutely horrible in. The latest updates made AE/AF reasonably responsive, but the capture latency kills the experience on the N5. 

This next chart combines the previous two values to give an overall picture of capture latency on these devices:

Camera Latency (Shooting ISO12233 Target)

Samsung's PDAF and ISP companion seem to do their job well as the GS5 is substantially quicker than the GS4 at image capture. That being said, HTC's M8 is slightly faster by comparison. 

Camera Architecture & Still Image Analysis That Fingerprint Scanner, Again
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  • Human Bass - Tuesday, April 8, 2014 - link

    Lol, quite easy to have large pixels when going with a ridiculous 4mp. It is like bragging about doing a hundred push-ups on your knees instead of legs extended.
  • TheSailorMan - Wednesday, April 9, 2014 - link

    Never trust tech reviewer who speaks about "premium aluminum"
  • doobydoo - Friday, April 11, 2014 - link

    Why? People prefer it visually.
  • TheSailorMan - Monday, April 14, 2014 - link

    Which people??? iBoys?

    Which people? How many?
    If people prefer ALUMINUM visually then HTC One would sell. Right???

    And don't give me the iphone argument, because there are other things
  • TheSailorMan - Tuesday, April 8, 2014 - link

    "Although Samsung was the first major OEM to be caught cheating in Android benchmarks,"

    What a hypocrisy!!!!!
    May I ask you WHY Samsung was the first major OEM to be caught "cheating"??? When all the OEM did it? And WHO found it? And when found it????
    Yes, it was Anand who found that Samsung is "cheating". And it was just when Note 3 come. What a coincidence?? LOL!!! Not before that, not after that . Just to bash Samsung. And later to wash his hands he wrote- "But all of them are cheating". Then again- "But why Samsung was "cheating" when anyhow Note 3 beat all of them?"
    Well he may thing that his hand are clear now. But he hope that still some smell could stay around Samsung. Happy?
    Now again in this "review" very active with hidden bashing Samsung and promoting the mediocre HTC M8 and covering the HTC flop, with misty sentences.
    So: Is it Display Mate lying about the greatest Display Ever Yet on S5?
    Is it the battery life of S5 better than M8 or not?
    Is it the S5 camera better than M8 and iPhone5s , or not?
    Is it the FingerPrintScaner , worse than iPhone5 , or not?
    Is it TW lagging or not?
    and so on.
    Is it S5 the best device yet? Or it's HTC M8? Or iphone-Apple?(your mentors and sponsors may be?)
    Please give clear answers.
  • TheSailorMan - Tuesday, April 8, 2014 - link

    Is it S5 version of S801 better than the M8 version?
  • Brian Z - Wednesday, April 9, 2014 - link

    I cant believe I am even responding to this but this stupid uninformed samsung fanboy crap cant go undressed.

    The Note 3 was not the first device caught. The gs4 international version was. It was kind of a big deal since it was the only device every caught to actually overclocking the gpu for the apps in the white list.

    And the rest of your post is just useless fanboy nonsense. The data is there, but of course you wouldnt care to look at it. Objectively doesnt matter when you got a love affair with a brand .
  • TheSailorMan - Wednesday, April 9, 2014 - link

    I cant believe I am even responding to this but - WHY SHOULD ONLY SAMSUNG take the negatives of this iAnand campaign ?? Because this campaign WAS INVENTED FOR THAT REASON.
    Even now in this review Anand mention it to slyly bash Samsung again?
    When I read this review , I'm not sure if this is S5 review or HTC M8 ad. LOL
    HTC was doing it before, and M8 did it too now. Where is Anand's article about it???

    When some "tech guru" start to speak about "premium aluminum" smartphone(like Anand did it here)- how could we trust him??? How?
  • Brian Z - Wednesday, April 9, 2014 - link

    Yeah because in ever single review after the gs4 they have included a chart with all the oems are cheating and in which test. And of course it wasn't mentioned at all in reviews of said devices either! And of course there wasn't long talks about it on the podcast

    You're a delusional fanboy that thinks everything revolves around bashing Samsung. Simple because you have a man crush on them.
  • TheSailorMan - Wednesday, April 9, 2014 - link

    I'm not a fanboy to any brand.
    And you are desperate liar if you say that Samsung was not the only one, that was bashed because of Anand and Co . Besides it's still not clear if this was "cheating", and even HTC lately explained that. But Anand didn't complain. LOL He thinks that ALUMINUM is so great material(lol), and that's why HTC are free to go. And even advertise M8 in S5 article, making fool of himself.
    If Samsung didn't do it, Anand would NEVER "discover" this "cheating". Period.
    Tell me about the "Regional Lock" organized attack against Samsung?
    Tell me about "View Cover" attack:)
    What about those organized "rumors" about "premium S5" , just before S5 to come on the market?(insinuating that S5 "is not premium").LOL:)
    So? Who is pathetic here?

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