
The Enermax Platimax 750W is a very efficient and expensive power supply. There are no significant disadvantages with the design and technology, though you'll have to pay for the privilege. The connector configuration is very good, and both the choice of components and the power supply case are very high quality. Enthusiasts looking for great performance will find this power supply a suitable solution.

Internally, Enermax uses a modified Modu87+ design with better semiconductors. The PCB material and the electrolytic capacitors in this PSU are top quality parts. The output side of the resonant converter is complemented by full-wave synchronous rectification (with MOSFETs), minimizing switching losses and the voltage drop the Schottky diodes usually have. There are a few other smaller changes as well, such as the buck converter for -12V and the "improved" EMI filtering with fewer components. We mentioned the low power output on the +3.3V and +5V rails, but this is not necessarily a disadvantage. As always, the required power depends on the system.

A modern PC pulls the majority of the current from the +12V output(s), so it's not so much the quantity but the quality of the smaller outputs that is important. Some sensitive logic gates on the motherboard need a stable 3.3V output but only low currents. The voltage drop under high load is negligible and is simply a reflection on the sizing of the converters. A low output ripple and noise is more decisive. During the load test +3.3V drops to a minimum of -3.63% below the reference value while +5V drops by as much as -2.4% to -2.60% during overload.

Even at 10% load the Platimax 750W reaches 86.93% efficiency, a remarkable value. The power factor is also very high. Low ripple and noise on most output voltages is advantageous as well. With 0.9% ripple (1% is allowed) +3.3V is the worst output. We would like to see better results here, since this is a high-end product. Apart from that the Platimax hardly blinks when confronted with our crossload tests. The voltages are always very close to their ideal value. If you don't put too many amps on +5V and +3.3V, you might even say Enermax shows flawless results.

In any case the noise of the fan is impeccable. Enermax has promised to use a low speed regulation for the Twister fan, which is true. Apart from the audible noise under full load the PSU is always nearly silent. There's also no noise from the electronics (not that we would expect anything less from a high-end PSU).

Enermax delivers an adequate cable configuration, similar to what other manufacturers offer. Four 6/8-pin PEG and 16 peripheral connectors are fairly average in this performance class, as are the 4+4-pin and 8-pin connectors for CPU power. The colorful sleeving can be described as high-grade (even if gold and red is the "wrong" color for this PSU) , and the contents of the package are satisfying. For the larger Platimax models you can even get a case fan for free. Enermax offers everything you might want from a PSU, with a few extras just for good measure.

The Platimax series includes 600W, 750W, 850W, 1000W, and 1200W models—and several of the lower wattage models have mail-in rebates available, if you're interested. The 750W we're reviewing can currently be had for $200, with a $30 MIR bringing the cost down to just $170. The largest competition for the 750W Platimax might just be Enermax's own Modu87+ 700W, which has a lower base price of $180 but no MIR. According to our research that model is not fundamentally different and is sometimes (depending on rebates) cheaper. However, when we are talking about power supplies, even small details make the difference.

Note that the only direct 80 Plus Platinum alternative comes from SuperFlower/Kingwin. The Kingwin LZP-750 (made by SuperFlower) is just as expensive as the Enermax Platimax 750W (slightly more, actually), and it's missing some features such as OCP, a MOV, and similar protections. Beyond that the LZP-750 (or SuperFlower Golden King Platinum—which is even worse than Platimax as far as names go!) offers fewer connectors. For that reason we would recommend the Platimax 750W, but only for those who demand every ounce of efficiency. If you're more of a mainstream user and can live with 1-2% less efficiency, you can certainly save some money, but it's clear that Enermax is a leading company for high-quality products.

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  • Sabresiberian - Saturday, February 11, 2012 - link

    I try to avoid having "fanboy" level emotions tied to a company, but Enermax inspires that feeling in me more than any other. That being said, I don't believe anyone should buy a PSU by brand alone; if you can't find a positive review for it, don't buy it, buy something that has been tested by independent people you trust (Anandtech and Tomshardware come to mind).

    Does it make sense to pay the premium price Enermax PSUs goes for? I'll tell you how I think - I've always thought it was just plain ridiculous that PSUs had cords that just plugged into the back with no way to secure them, especially higher-powered ones that draw a lot of current and can get warm and loosen up. Enermax is the only company that has addressed this issue (not to mention providing beefy power cords that aren't likely to heat up anyway), and I'm willing to pay the extra money for a product when the company pays attention to details like that.

    If that means I'm paying $50 for a little wire to you, than so be it. It means I'm buying a rock-solid PSU that I won't have to replace for a decade to me, and the increased cost is minimal over that lifetime.

    BTW, the 860W Platinum Seasonic is $219.99, plus shipping on top of that, at Newegg right now. Looks to me like Enermax's price for this kind of thing isn't out of line since Seasonic is a premium PSU manufacturer that isn't known for inflating its prices.

  • pandemonium - Wednesday, February 15, 2012 - link

    Or you can just not skimp on anything and have a rig that lasts forever. There's always exceptions to the rule, but more often than not, higher quality = longevity and stability; regardless of component.

    Of course, if you're rebuilding your computer every 6 months, then none of that really matters anyways.
  • Galcobar - Saturday, February 11, 2012 - link

    The point of higher efficiency is the amount of power the PSU itself consumes in transforming the current in the wall from AC to DC. The components of your computer need X power, and (assuming basic quality) will receive it. The efficiency is how much power the PSU pulls from the wall (Y) to provide X power. The difference between what your computer needs and what your PSU consumes (Y-X) is wasted power, which usually means extra heat. The more efficient the PSU, the closer Y is to X and therefore the less power is wasted -- which means less money wasted and less heat generated.

    Quality's a separate issue. If the PSU provides unstable power, it can kill the components precisely because they're designed to work with a standard supply. Go outside that standard (specifically, the ATX standard) and electronics stary dying.
  • meloz - Saturday, February 11, 2012 - link

    >>Our personal preference is that more is less when it comes to logos and such,

    I am very disappointed to hear this. I always loved how Anandtech used to put performance and functionality on top when evaluating gear, unlike websites like engadget which 'review' gear based on how it looks (mostly), with some crumbs thrown towards performance and functionality.

    It was good ride while it lasted, I guess. It's all about bling-bling.
  • Death666Angel - Saturday, February 11, 2012 - link

    Yes, because that is clearly everything this article is based on!...
  • PrinceGaz - Saturday, February 11, 2012 - link

    >>Our personal preference is that more is less when it comes to logos and such

    Whilst saying "less is more" would have been more intuitive than saying "more is less", what they both mean is that at AT they *don't* like products where you've paid for a bunch of logos and other rubbish when all you really want is a PSU (or other bit of hardware) that does its job well.

    I've never stuck a sticker from a PSU, CPU, graphics-card, hard-drive, software (I believe if you buy it they sometimes include a sticker along with a legal license-key) or anything else on my case.
  • Lord 666 - Saturday, February 11, 2012 - link

    I stuck the Mossberg sticker that came with my new 590 on the outside of my computer case.
  • Byte - Saturday, February 11, 2012 - link

    Power supplies have gotten pretty insane. Really, it just converts 120V AC to 12V DC in the end. It will not make your system go ANY faster. Even getting supper expensive RAM might yield another 1-2%, You will not even get that with a power supply. Any quality power supply will be able to get your system running and overclocking all you want. I think most builders will be fine with a $40 500watt corsair. It will even handle SLI/xFire as long as you don't have the flagship cards. Power supplies are like rims on cars, it doesn't make it faster, but we are convinced we need better ones, except you can't even see the power supply.
  • Zaranthos - Saturday, February 11, 2012 - link

    As Galcobar and others have said it's about efficiency which saves you money over time. Someone else mentioned using the same PSU for 10 years which will put money back in your pocket given enough time if it's more efficient. I have a power supply in an old server that I've been using for 10+ years and it's probably not efficient at all but it's also low wattage. When building a new server that I may use for another 10+ years I will spend extra money on the PSU for all the reasons mentioned. I want to keep my monthly electric bill lower, I want less heat pumped into my house at least during the summer months when I have to run AC, and I want the power supply to last longer than any of the other components.
  • Ph0b0s - Saturday, February 11, 2012 - link

    You also pay extra for power supplies like Enermax ones, that have protection circuits for over-volting etc. I have tried the cheaper power supply route. You think it's OK, it's cheap so if it fails I can just buy another one. Well that works until it burns out a lot of your system when it fails because it had not functions to protect the rest of your system. The Enermax PSU in the rare, for them, event of a failure, fail gracefully without burning out the rest of my components. Some Enermax PSU's I have had for 10+ years now, still going strong. So expensive PSU's actually work out cheaper in the long run.

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