Video Playback & Photo Viewing

The video player is spartan but functional. I made a 2GB H.264 version of The Dark Knight using Handbrake and it played beautifully on the Streak. The screen is great for watching movies although I could do with a higher contrast display. Very dark scenes are difficult to make out with a reasonable amount of ambient light.

The Streak is comfortable enough to hold in your hands while you watch a movie but what it really needs is the EVO 4G’s kickstand. It should be a requirement for devices that are going to be great at watching video content to have an easy way of propping them up. I prefer the EVO’s kickstand but even Apple’s foldable iPad case is acceptable, although not ideal.

All photos and videos are stored in the Photos & Videos app, which provides a simple interface to everything. You can choose to only show photos/videos made with the Streak or everything.

Scrolling is choppy but you can swipe through screens of thumbnails sorted by date.

The Keyboard The Performance Problem
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  • araczynski - Sunday, August 22, 2010 - link

    palm's still in business? still relying on their crappy email programs? they're down there with blackberry (and their retarded server licensing fees for exchange setups) in my book.

    strange to see dell churning out a phone, let me guess, the browser homepage is their website and its riddled with tracking cookies.

    but it is nice to see them pushing past the envelope of ridiculously tiny screens.

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