Video Playback & Photo Viewing

The video player is spartan but functional. I made a 2GB H.264 version of The Dark Knight using Handbrake and it played beautifully on the Streak. The screen is great for watching movies although I could do with a higher contrast display. Very dark scenes are difficult to make out with a reasonable amount of ambient light.

The Streak is comfortable enough to hold in your hands while you watch a movie but what it really needs is the EVO 4G’s kickstand. It should be a requirement for devices that are going to be great at watching video content to have an easy way of propping them up. I prefer the EVO’s kickstand but even Apple’s foldable iPad case is acceptable, although not ideal.

All photos and videos are stored in the Photos & Videos app, which provides a simple interface to everything. You can choose to only show photos/videos made with the Streak or everything.

Scrolling is choppy but you can swipe through screens of thumbnails sorted by date.

The Keyboard The Performance Problem
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  • ned14 - Sunday, August 15, 2010 - link

    Useful review - and good call on the button size which no other review bothered to mention. However how come you didn't try the Dell 2.1 build 6941 firmware which has been online for a while now? Here's a link to it:

    It *does* have bugs, hence why Dell haven't released it proper. Here's hoping that enough of you Americans buy the Streak to get a Cyanogenmod port working for the Streak ... so far the Brits haven't done much other than complain (if you look at the cyanogenmod forums).

  • Goty - Sunday, August 15, 2010 - link

    Brits complain about Americans? Noooooooo....


    In all seriousness, though, I don't see this device becoming a huge seller. It's simply too large to become popular with the public and so will probably be relegated to the few people like us who appreciate the advantages of such a device and to some corporate users.
  • neogodless2 - Sunday, August 15, 2010 - link

    You stated that this will work for GSM carriers other than AT&T but other sites reported that it is "officially" SIM-locked to AT&T. Could you clarify this?
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Sunday, August 15, 2010 - link

    Hmm the t-mobile support part came from Dell, let me clarify and update tomorrow.

    Take care,
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Monday, August 16, 2010 - link

    Dell just responded - you're correct, all Streak devices are carrier locked to AT&T. I've updated the article.

    Take care,
  • JHBoricua - Monday, August 16, 2010 - link

    Sorry, that's a deal killer for me. I like the fact that all of my mobile devices now come with a standard micro usb connector for which I only have to carry ONE cable and for which I'm not held hostage by the device maker if I need it replaced.

    I can run to my local Microcenter and get 4 micro USB cables for $9 a piece. That's one for the house, office, car and my backpack.

    How much do you think Dell is going to charge you for a replacement USB to 30-pin cable?
  • s44 - Monday, August 16, 2010 - link

    Who cares how much Dell will charge? Monoprice will charge a lot less.
  • medi01 - Monday, August 16, 2010 - link

    " the Streak doesn’t perform anywhere close to the Nexus One, HTC Incredible or Droid X. Let’s forget about comparing it to the iPhone 4 or iPad."

    Should you've said "forget about Nexus One"?
  • damianrobertjones - Monday, August 16, 2010 - link

    I was under the impression that all phone makers were moving towards the standard mini/micro/whatever it's called usb port on phones for sync/charge etc?

    I really wish they would...
  • JHBoricua - Monday, August 16, 2010 - link

    I believe in Europe they mandated this, but enforcement starts in 2011. Also here is how it works:

    First option is a charger with a *fixed* cable that must terminate with a Micro-USB plug. How this connects to the phone is outside the scope of the EU mandate, it can be a direct connection or through an adapter.

    The second option is that a *detachable* cable is used that connects to the *charger* using a standard USB A connection. Where the phone does not have a Micro-USB charging port and an adapter would be required, this cable is allowed to *be* the adapter; in other words it can terminate with a proprietary plug, it doesn't have to be a Micro-USB plug if the cable is detachable. An example of this is the existing iPhone charger.


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