UI & Usability

To put Ubuntu GUI in the context of existing operating systems, I’d lump it in with Windows XP. If you can use Windows XP, then you’re going to be right at home with Ubuntu. The window layouts are similar, the buttons are the same, many of the shortcut key combinations are the same. Whether it’s intentional or not I can’t say, but with the similarities it’s a very easy transition to Ubuntu coming from Windows.

But there are some important differences between Ubuntu and XP, and they start to make themselves apparent almost immediately. The taskbar and its conjoined twin the start menu (the Menu Bar in Ubuntu) have been separated – the taskbar gets the bottom of the screen and the menu bar gets the top. Because the menu bar is always visible by default this makes it look close to Mac OS X, but due in large part to the fact that applications do not share the menu bar like they do in Mac OS X, it’s functionally much more like XP. Joining it up top are the Ubuntu equivalents of the quick launch toolbar, and the system tray. This leaves the taskbar at the bottom, containing running applications along with the controls for Ubuntu’s virtual desktops implementation.

This is something I find works quite well on narrow screens, but is a wash on larger screens and widescreens. By putting the menu bar and the taskbar on different physical bars, it leaves more space for active applications in the taskbar while not forcing the menu bar to be compacted. Depending on how cluttered your complete taskbar may have been under Windows, this can buy you enough space to comfortably fit another couple of active applications, which may not be much but can make all the difference in some situations. The cost of this however is that you lose additional vertical real estate compared to if everything was on one bar. Hiding the bars can get this space back, but it’s been in my experience that most people hate auto-hiding bars, which may very well be why no OS has them auto-hiding by default.

At first glance, the menu bar is just different enough from XP’s start menu to throw some people for the loop. The contents of the start menu have been broken up a bit: Applications is Windows’ All Programs, Places is My Recent Documents, and System is Control Panels. Coming from Windows, the two biggest changes are that most applications are organized by functionality rather than each application getting its own subfolder in the Applications menu, and that what would be found in Control Panels is now split between the Preferences and Administration submenus under System, based on if it adjusts a per-user preference or a system preference (and hence would need administrative access).

Nautilus, the Ubuntu file manager, really drives home the idea that Ubuntu works like Windows. It takes the “file manager is a web browser” concept just as far Windows ever did, which isn’t necessarily a good thing given how old (not to mention dead) the concept is, making Nautilus feel a bit dated. Beyond that, there’s little that can be said that differentiates it from Windows XP’s Explorer.

Multitasking is also handled in a very XP-like fashion. Beyond the taskbar, alt-tab switches among applications just as it does on Windows (or cmd-tab on Mac OS X). Notably, Ubuntu has copied some of the more interesting quirks of both Windows Vista and Mac OS X. From Windows Vista it inherits the ability to see the contents of a window when alt-tabing, and from Mac OS X it inherits the ability to close an inactive window without needing to focus on it, allowing you to keep focus on whatever you’re working on.

Ubuntu also has one more trick up its sleeve when it comes to multitasking, and that’s virtual desktops. Virtual desktops, or workspaces as they’re called in Ubuntu, allow for the creation of multiple workspaces in a single user session, such that different windows can be in different workspaces, completely hidden when that workspace is not active. It’s been a feature of various *nix operating systems for ages, and Apple added this feature as Spaces in 10.5 Leopard. Windows has no built-in equivalent.

I’ve tried using this method before as Spaces, and again on Ubuntu with their workspaces, and I fully admit I don’t “get it.” The idea of being able to move a window completely out of your way by keeping it in another workspace makes sense, but I have never been able to make it work for me. Ultimately I find that I have to go chase down a window that I need when it’s off in another workspace. I know there are plenty of people out there that can make good use of workspaces, so it may as well just be a personal flaw. It’s a neat concept, but I haven’t been able to make it work for me.

Moving on, one thing I find that Ubuntu does well is that it better bridges the look of the OS with and without eye-candy. Windows Vista does a very poor job of this, and it’s immediately obvious if Aero is running or not. The style choices for Vista clearly were based on Aero, so if for any reason Aero is disabled, you get the 2D-only Vista Basic UI that poorly compensates for the lack of transparency. Ubuntu on the other hand looks nearly identical in static screens, only the lack of subtle window shadows give away when Ubuntu is running without visual effects (Ubuntu’s name for 3D accelerated desktop compositing). Most people will never run Ubuntu with desktop compositing disabled, just as most people will never run Windows Vista with Aero disabled, nevertheless this is one of those subtle design choices that impressed me.

An example of Ubuntu's hardware compositing. Hardware composited on the left, software on the right.

With desktop compositing enabled the experience is similar to that of Windows Vista or Mac OS X. Windows fade out of view, shrink & grow, etc just as they do in the other two. I feel like I should be writing more here, but there’s just not a lot to say; it’s the same desktop compositing abilities everyone else has, including their UI tricks that serve to accelerate user interaction. The one thing in particular that did catch my eye however is that Ubuntu includes a UI feature called Scale that is virtually identical to Mac OS X’s Exposé. As a self-proclaimed Exposé junky I find most welcoming, as this is my preferred way to multitask with a large number of windows. There have been a couple of times, as a result, where I have found my workflow under Ubuntu being smoother than that of Vista, though Mac OS X still surpasses this.

However I’m much less enthusiastic about the icons Ubuntu uses, and there’s one element in particular that nearly drives me insane: executables/binaries don’t even have icons. In Windows executables can be packed with resources such as icons, and in Mac OS X app bundles contain icon files that are used to give the bundle an icon. On Ubuntu however, the executables don’t have their own icons. Ubuntu can assign custom icons to anything, but apparently this is being remembered by file manager, rather than actually attaching an icon. By default, the only thing with custom icons are the Launchers (a type of shortcut) that Ubuntu automatically creates for installed applications. Everything else is either issued a default icon for its type, or certain media types (e.g. images) are thumbnails.

In an ideal world this isn’t an issue because everything is installed to the system and has its own Launcher somewhere in the menu bar, but with software that doesn’t directly install (such as programs distributed in compressed folders) this isn’t something that’s handled automatically. In place of an application specific icon executables have a generic executable icon, which worse yet is shared by more than just executables. As an example of this we have a screenshot of the folder for the demo of Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode 2. Can you figure out which item launches the game?

The right answer, the document-like item called RainSlickEp2 (which is actually a shell script) is completely non-obvious. If this were Windows or Mac OS X, there would be an appropriate custom icon over the right item. Meanwhile not only are we lacking a custom icon, but the binary icon is used directly in 3 different places, and as an overlay on top of a document icon in a 4th place. Only 1 item is even an executable binary. And while I had hoped this was an issue just with this game, it extends to everything else; even Firefox’s actual executable lacks an icon. As it turns out, the Linux executable format, ELF, doesn’t have the ability to contain icons.

I hate to harp on this issue, but I am absolutely dumbfounded by it. Usability goes straight down the tubes the moment you need to use non-packaged software because of this – and because the DEB package format is not a Linux-wide standard, there’s a lot of software like that. On a GUI, there needs to be graphical elements to work with.

On the flip side, I find it interesting that Ubuntu has icons in certain places where Windows and Mac OS X do not. Action buttons such as “open” and “close” have icons embedded in them, while the other two OSs have always left these buttons sparser, containing just the text. The ramifications of this are that with icons in your buttons, you don’t necessarily need to be able to read the text to be able to use the OS so long as you understanding the meaning of the icons. It’s easily the most drastic difference between the Ubuntu and Windows/Mac OS X GUIs that I have noticed. But at the same time, I’ll say that it’s so different that even after a year I still don’t know quite what to make of it – it often results in big, silly buttons when something smaller would do. The jury is still out on whether this is a good difference or not.

I would also like to touch on the directory structure of Ubuntu, as it falls under the nebulous umbrella of usability once you have to start traversing it. Because Linux is a spiritual successor to the ancient Unix systems of years past, it has kept the Unix directory structure. This is something I believe to be a poor idea.

I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a perfect directory structure on an operating system, but there are some that are better than others. As an example of this, here’s a list of some of the more important Linux root directories: bin, boot, dev, etc, home, mnt, opt, sbin, usr, and var. And if this were Windows Vista: Boot, Program Files, Program Data, Users, and Windows.

The problem I have with the Ubuntu directory structure is that the locations of very few things are obvious. Firefox for example is in /usr/lib/Firefox, while on Windows it would be in /Program Files/Firefox. Why /usr/lib/? I have no idea. There’s a logical reason for that placement, but there’s absolutely nothing intuitive about it. Microsoft is no saint here (how many things are in /Windows and /Windows/System32?) but at least the location of user installed programs is completely and utterly obvious: Program Files. And if we’re on Mac OS X it’s even easier, /Applications. This all adheres to a standard, the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, but that just means the standard is just as confusing.

Thankfully, and to be fair, there’s little reason to be going through the entire contents of the OS partition looking for something, but If you ever need to do so, it can be a frustrating experience. Ubuntu would benefit greatly by using a more intuitive structure, something that I’m convinced is possible given that Apple has pulled this off with Darwin, which also has the *nix directory structure, but avoids it as much as possible. I’d also like to see user data kept in /users like Windows and Mac OS X rather than /home, but Rome wasn’t built in a day… There is much room for improvement here.

Wrapping things up, when I first started with Ubuntu I did not have very high expectations as far as usability was concerned. I expected Ubuntu to be functional, but not necessarily exceptional – GUI design is an ugly and hard job, just how good could it be on a free OS? For all the reasons I like Mac OS X I can’t sing high praises about Ubuntu’s GUI or usability, but it surpassed my initial expectations. Other than the icon issue, there are no glaring flaws in Ubuntu’s GUI or the usability thereof. It’s not a revolutionary or even evolutionary GUI, but it does come off as a very solid facsimile of Windows XP with a few unique quirks and the eye-candy of Vista and Mac OS X thrown in, and that’s something I’m satisfied with. And a satisfactory GUI is not a bad thing, it’s quite an accomplishment given just how difficult GUI design is.

As an aside, I’m not a big fan of the default orange/brown color scheme for Hardy. It can be changed easily enough although I’ve always thought they could do better for a default scheme. I hear 9.10 may finally do away with orange, so we’ll see what we get in Ocotober.

The Package Manager – A Love/Hate Relationship Installation
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  • zerobug - Monday, February 1, 2010 - link

    Regarding benchmarks and Linux-focused hardware roundups, one thing worth of consideration is that while Microsoft places strong resources on O/S development to create features that will require the end users the need to get the latest and greatest powerful hardware, Linux places their efforts in order that the end user will still be able to use their old hardware and get the best user experience while running the latest and greatest software.
    So,the benchmarks could compare the user experience when running popular software on Microsoft and Linux O/S's, with different powerful machines.
    For this, you could pick up some popular open source and proprietary (or their free equivalents) application that can run both Linux and W7. and compare the price, time and power consumption for retrieving, saving, processing, compiling, encrypting,decrypting compacting, extracting, encoding, decoding, backup, restore, nº of frames,etc, with machines in a range of different CPU and memory capacities.
  • abnderby - Thursday, September 3, 2009 - link

    Let me say this, I am a Senior Software QA Engineer, I have been testing windows, windows apps, DB's and web sites for over 10 year now. I am what you could consider an windows guru of sorts.

    I have off an on always gone and tried linux from red hat 5, 6, ubuntu, suse, fedora etc... Linux is not and has not been ready for mainstream users. Sure simple email, word docs web browsing it is ok.

    But in order to do many things I want to do and many advanced windows users the author and many commentors are right. Linux people need to get out of their little shell and wake up.

    Linux has such great potential to be a true contenderto windows and OSX. But it lacks simple usability. Out of the box it can come nowhere close to MS or Apple offerings. The out of the box experience is truly horrible.

    Hardware drivers? good luck I run RAID cards that have no support. Forget the newest graphics and sound cards. Connecting to shares just as the author mentioned a hassle of a work around.

    Again as stated elsewhere Linux needs someone who programs and or scripts to get things done right. I have neitherthe time or patience for such. I use command line when needed. I would rather have 2 or 3 clicks and I am done then have to remember every CLI for every thing I need to do.

    Time is money, time is not a commodity. Linus wastes too much time.

    It is geting better with each distro true. But It has been 11 years from red hat 5?? and Linux is not a whole lot better than it was then.

    What is needed if Linux really wants to make a stand in the desktop space, is a unified pull togeher ofall distro's. Sit down and truly plan out the desktop. Put together a solid platform that out of the box can really put the hurt on MS or Apple.

    Look what Apple did with OSX! And how many developers are wrking on it? How many developers are working on Linux all distro's? OSX is a jewel in 7 years it has matured much farther than any *nix distro. And has a following that cannot yet be challenged by any distro available.

    Why is it that when win2k came out Linux was claiming to be superior, and yet after 10 years of development it is hardly comparable to XP let alonevista/win 7 or OSX?

    You guys really need to wake up and smell the coffee!

  • Penti - Monday, September 7, 2009 - link

    Of course it's not ready for consumer desktops, there are no serious distributions for that.

    It means no DVD player OOB, no proprietary codecs, no video editing software, no proprietary drivers which works magically. Of course not is SLED and RHEL Desktop ready for normal users it's targeted for Linux admins to set up the environment. Community distributions won't have as easy time to be set up by those. Community distros will also always lack the above mentioned stuff. It's simply not legal for them to offer it OOB. OS X is actually older then Linux and ran on x86 before Apple bought Jobs NeXT company. It's also supported by an OEM. (OEM = Themselves). Which no Linux dist is. It also uses many GNU technologies like GCC, X11 (optional but included on disc), bash shell and so on, and of course SAMBA for SMB/CIFS, on the server edition they use a modified openldap server, dovecot and postfix for mail, Apache, PHP, Perl, MySQL etc. Stuff thats developed on Linux and has matured thanks to it.

    There's a lot of problems with having just community supported stuff, but that doesn't mean it's useless or sucks. Sure the kernel aren't really helping getting drivers in there, by locking out closed source stuff but they end up useless if they are proprietary and not updated any way. For the servers just buy RHEL or SLES certified stuff and you get all the hardware support-needed. But on the other hand you wouldn't be much successful in running 7 year old video drivers in Windows either. Community distros definitively don't need to cease existing for the creation of a commercial one. But there will never be one linux and that's really the beauty of it not the course. It wasn't meant to be something rivaling windows and the kernel developers has no desire to create a distro. That's why we can see Linux in stuff like Android and Maemo. And from home routers to mainframes and supercomputers. For a commercial entity targeting that many devices wouldn't be possible. Not with the same basic code and libraries. There are definitively some top notch products and solutions based on Linux and GNU. But Linux doesn't want anything as it's not an entity. And it's really up to GNOME and KDE to create the desktop environment. It's not the distros that shape them and write all the libraries that software developers use to create their software. As there are no major consumer desktop distro maker there is also no one that can really steer them by sponsoring work and holding discussions either. Not towards a unified desktop environment for normal non-tech users anyway. Also GNOME and KDE has no desire to create a exclusive platform around their software. OS X is a innovative 20 year old OS (since commercial release) and is actually based on work before then (BSD code). OS X UI is really 20 years into it's making and builds heavily on the next/openstep framework. On other Unixes there hasn't been any such heritage to build on, X was an total mess on commercial Unixes and I would actually say it's a lot better and more streamline now. There's just Xorg now, sure there are a lot of window managers but only two major environments now so it's still better then when all the vendors had it's own and couldn't make up it's mind on which direction to go and standardize on. In the middle of the 90's there where like at least 4 major Unix vendors that all had their own workstations.
  • fazer150 - Friday, September 4, 2009 - link

    which Linux distro have you tried? did you try the PCLinuxOS which is atleast as usable as windows xp, 2003?
  • nilepez - Sunday, August 30, 2009 - link

    Most end users are not comfortable with the command line. Linux, even Ubuntu, is still not ready for the masses. This shouldn't be confused with the quality of the OS. It's mostly GUI issue. I've also had some issues with installers failing. Some were solved from an xterm and others just didn't work.

    It wasn't a big deal in most cases, because there's generally another program that can get the job done, but for the typical home user, it's a deal killer. Nevertheless, I must give credit where credit is due, and Ubuntu has made huge strides in the right direction. The UI isn't close to Windows 7 and I suspect it's not close to OS X either, but Canonical is moving in the right direction.

  • Etern205 - Thursday, August 27, 2009 - link

    See this is the problem with some of linux users, you guys are some what always closed in a nutshell. What you may think is easy does not mean the rest of the world will agree with you. In this day and age, people what to get things done quickly and use the least amount of time as possible. For Mac OS X and Windows getting a simple task done takes like 3 simple clicks, for Ubuntu performing the same tasks requires the user to do extensive amount of research just to complete it.

    I'm glad this article was written by a author who has not head into linux terriroty before and it shows the true side of linux from the perspective of a new user.

    If you like to do ramen coding and so forth does not mean the others will. If linux want's to become mainstream, then they really need to stand in the shoes of Joe or Jane.
  • forkd - Saturday, October 31, 2009 - link

    I use mac, windows and linux and I must disagree with your assessment of "this is the problem with some linux users"

    This article, and this site for that matter, comes from the perspective of a windows (and some mac) user looking at linux. More specifically Ubuntu. From this point of view of course Linux is difficult. A person who is linux focused thinks windows is difficult at first too and is likely to criticize. If you take the time to learn something instead of just criticizing something because it is different you may be a lot happier.
  • fepple - Thursday, August 27, 2009 - link

    Check out all the usability studies the Gnome Project does, then come back and make some more generalization :)
  • SoCalBoomer - Thursday, August 27, 2009 - link

    Again - those are done by Linux people. His points are right on. . .someone a while ago did a "Mom" test, which is closer to what is needed, not people who know computers doing studies on usability.

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