Gaming Performance

Ashes of the Singularity

Seen as the holy child of DirectX12, Ashes of the Singularity (AoTS, or just Ashes) has been the first title to actively go explore as many of DirectX12s features as it possibly can. Stardock, the developer behind the Nitrous engine which powers the game, has ensured that the real-time strategy title takes advantage of multiple cores and multiple graphics cards, in as many configurations as possible.

Ashes of The Singularity on ASUS GTX 980 Strix 4GB

Rise Of The Tomb Raider

Rise of the Tomb Raider is a third-person action-adventure game that features similar gameplay found in 2013's Tomb Raider. Players control Lara Croft through various environments, battling enemies, and completing puzzle platforming sections, while using improvised weapons and gadgets in order to progress through the story.

One of the unique aspects of this benchmark is that it’s actually the average of 3 sub-benchmarks that fly through different environments, which keeps the benchmark from being too weighted towards a GPU’s performance characteristics under any one scene.

Rise of The Tomb Raider on ASUS GTX 980 Strix 4GB


Thief has been a long-standing title in PC gamers hearts since the introduction of the very first iteration which was released back in 1998 (Thief: The Dark Project). Thief as it is simply known rebooted the long-standing series and renowned publisher Square Enix took over the task from where Eidos Interactive left off back in 2004. The game itself utilises the fluid Unreal Engine 3 engine and is known for optimised and improved destructible environments, large crowd simulation and soft body dynamics.

Thief on ASUS GTX 980 Strix 4GB


Not only is the Total War franchise one of the most popular real-time tactical strategy titles of all time, but Sega delve into multiple worlds such as the Roman Empire, Napoleonic era and even Attila the Hun, but more recently they nosedived into the world of Games Workshop via the WARHAMMER series. Developers Creative Assembly have used their latest RTS battle title with the much talked about DirectX 12 API so that this title can benefit from all the associated features that comes with it. The game itself is very CPU intensive and is capable of pushing any top end system to their limits.

Total War: WARHAMMER on ASUS GTX 980 Strix 4GB

CPU Performance, Short Form MSI X370 XPower Gaming Titanium Conclusion
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  • Topweasel - Saturday, April 14, 2018 - link


    That is a terrible response to a little bit of critcism. If you don't want to read my criticism then don't read the comments or go back to reading PC mag or the newspaper (doesn't feel good to be told what to do because you disagree does it). I have been reading Anandtech for 20+ years now and they are by far the best site for reviews, when they review stuff. I am not criticizing them for the quality of review, I am not even really criticizing them for the time of the review though it may seem like it. All I have said is that it would behoove them to be more transparent on oddities like this series of reviews, instead of giving a bunch non-straight responses like they did at the end of page one. That it brings on and promotes speculation, some of which Ryan specifically wants to avoid because even when unfounded it's something he has been actively trying to avoid since Anandtech was sold.

    I want to applaud Ryan and Ian's and the rest of the teams works over the year and while it's still not the same without Anand. It is still better than I ever could have thought it would be post losing him. But this is one point that I feel Anand would have gotten right. He would be as straight a shooter as possible even if it ruffled a few feathers.
  • Reflex - Sunday, April 15, 2018 - link

    I suppose you could apply for a full refund...
  • philehidiot - Monday, April 16, 2018 - link

    I DEMAND my refund!
  • stevekgoodwin - Tuesday, April 17, 2018 - link

    Topweasel: "All I have said is that it would behoove them to be more transparent".

    You actually said this:

    Topweasel: "That the secrecy behind reviewing products this late into the cycle has more to do with Purch's relationship with Intel and not down to workload."

    I'm off to listen to Weasel Stomping Day.
  • CrazyElf - Saturday, April 14, 2018 - link

    Ian, the problem with the Nikos PowerPAK PK616BA MOSFETs are that this board is a lot more expensive than other boards that offers significantly better Mosfets - such as the X370 Taichi which is even cheaper.

    I mean, had this board been priced more aggressively, this would not have been an issue.

    Hint: MSI - I own 2 Intel XPower boards on mainstream and on X99, an MSI X99A Godlike, I have bought 4 MSI Lightning GPUs, 2 290X Lightning and 2x 1080Ti Lightnings - but you will lose customers like me if you keep doing releasing sub-par products.

    I have no issues paying a premium for a flagship - but the flagship must be worthy of a flagship title.
  • Koenig168 - Monday, April 16, 2018 - link

    I considered this board when building a new rig back in December. Compared to the Intel versions of the Titanium, this is a mid-range board with flagship pricing and aesthetics.
  • johnparker1 - Wednesday, April 18, 2018 - link

    The problem with the Nokis Power Pak is still occurring and I am not getting any solutions related to this, I have also checked on the one website where some sort of support is available.
  • johnparker1 - Wednesday, April 18, 2018 - link

    The problem with the Nokis Power Pak is still occurring and I am not getting any solutions related to this, I have also checked on the one where some sort of support is available.
  • MarkJohn - Thursday, April 19, 2018 - link

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